From Excel Overload to Automated Ease: A Real-Life Tale of Simplifying Work
By Artur Toikka
- 4 minutes read - 736 wordsThere’s a particular kind of joy in watching someone’s eyes light up when they realize that a tedious task they’ve been wrestling with can be simplified—or even automated—into a few clicks. Recently, I had the pleasure of experiencing this firsthand with a couple of friends who run a computer hardware business in Tartu.
They handle everything from selling and repairing to renting out computer equipment. Over the years, I’ve casually brought up the idea of automating some of their processes. Each time, it felt like trying to explain the allure of jazz to someone who only listens to heavy metal—not much resonance there.
The Spreadsheet Saga
On a recent visit, I noticed one of them hunched over his computer, navigating an ocean of Excel spreadsheets. “What are you up to?” I asked, peering over his shoulder.
He sighed, “Just putting together our product catalogue. I’ve got to compile product codes, prices, quantities from different suppliers, and then calculate our prices using this formula I’ve cooked up.”
I could see the labyrinth of copy-pasting and formula adjustments sprawled across his screen. It was clear that this manual consolidation was eating up a significant chunk of his time.
“Ever thought about automating this?” I ventured.
He looked at me skeptically. “How would that even work?”
Turning Questions into Solutions
“Well,” I said, “let’s figure out exactly what you need.” We sat down, and I started grilling him like a detective in a noir film:
- What specific fields do you need from each supplier?
- Are the supplier catalogs in a consistent format?
- How does your pricing formula work? Any exceptions or edge cases?
As we delved deeper, he began to see the method to my madness. After gathering all the requirements, I pulled out my laptop. “Let’s give this a shot.”
Using Python and a bit of help from GPT, I started crafting a script tailored to his needs. The goal was straightforward: consolidate the various supplier catalogs into a single, cohesive product catalog, applying his pricing formula automatically.
The Moment of Revelation
Adjusting the script to work on his Windows machine (a minor hurdle for a Mac user like me) took a bit longer than expected. But soon enough, we had an executable file. “Alright,” I said, “give it a whirl.”
He ran the program, selected the supplier files, and watched as his new product catalog materialized in moments. His jaw dropped. “How did you do that?” he exclaimed. “I mean, I get that you used GPT, but how did you even know what to ask it?”
I chuckled. “It’s all about knowing the right questions to ask and having a grasp of what’s possible.”
Just then, his business partner walked in. “What’s all the excitement about?”
Our friend turned to him, eyes gleaming. “Check this out! We just automated the catalog compilation. No more manual entry!”
“So, your life just got easier?” his partner asked with a grin.
“Absolutely,” he replied, still marveling at the screen.
Igniting the Spark of Possibility
With the initial skepticism gone, he started firing off ideas. “Could we also automate inventory updates? What about integrating this with our sales platform?”
It was like watching a kid in a candy store who just realized that the jars on the top shelf were within reach. The possibilities were unfolding before him, and his imagination was catching up fast.
Reflections on the Experience
This whole experience reinforced a few things for me:
Automation Isn’t Just for the Tech-Savvy: Sometimes, all it takes is seeing a practical example to understand the value automation can bring.
Asking the Right Questions Is Key: Understanding the specifics of a problem is half the battle in finding an effective solution.
Seeing Is Believing: Demonstrations can break down barriers that explanations can’t.
The Joy of Simplification: There’s something inherently satisfying about turning a cumbersome process into something streamlined and efficient.
A Subtle Nudge Forward
I left that day feeling a sense of accomplishment—not just because I helped a friend, but because I witnessed a shift in mindset. It’s moments like these that remind me why I love diving into problems and finding elegant solutions.
So, if you ever find yourself drowning in repetitive tasks or complex processes, maybe it’s time to take a step back and consider if there’s a simpler way. Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh perspective—or perhaps a nudge from someone who’s been down that road before.